Boulder Canyon

Plotinus Wall, Middle

Plotinus Wall, MiddlePlotinus Wall, Middle

The next 4 routes are on the Plotinus Wall area, to the right of the giant obvious corner.

The Scientist 11a
FA: Bob D'Antonio, Vaino Kodas, 2003
This route takes a direct line up the beautiful clean slab just to the right of the giant left facing corner on the Plotinus Wall. Climb up and make a difficult move past the second bolt to get to the crack. Place some gear and continue up the face to a two-bolt anchor. 8 bolts plus some small cams for the crack.

Rama 10d
FA: D'Antonio, Kodas, Hershoff, 2001
To the left of the obvious overhanging arete is a left facing corner. Climb up this corner past 3 bolts to gain a crack that accepts small to medium gear. Follow this crack up to its end, and continue on face holds to the belay of Lucid Dreaming. 3 bolts plus small to medium gear.

Lucid Dreaming 12c/d
FA: Vaino Kodas, Bob D'Antonio, Mary Zuvela, 2001
This spectacular route ascends the obvious overhanging arete just right of Rama. Stick clip the first bolt. A series of powerful, and not so obvious moves leads up past 4 bolts to a small perch on the arete. Move left onto the face and then back right to finish on the lower angle arete. 8 bolts.

I Have a Dream 11a
FA: D'Antonio, Kodas, 2001
Just below the arete of Lucid Dreaming is a short wall behind a large tree. Start just left of this tree. Climb a left facing corner past four bolts to gain the big ledge above.

Boulder Canyon
The information on this website was compiled by Vaino Kodas and may not be copied in any manner without his consent.